Have You Heard of Food Energetics?

This ancient philosophy is based on the idea that different foods have different energetic properties that can warm or cool your pet’s body.  Feeding your pet different proteins depending on the season, allergies, breed, etc. will benefit your pet’s health, comfort, and quality of life.


Cooling Foods

Foods with cooling properties are beneficial for pets who are chronically warm, thirsty, or dry.  These foods are also an effective way to relieve inflammation caused by allergies. 

Neutral Foods:

Foods with neutral properties are a great way to balance the body and can be fed anytime. 

Warming Foods:

Food with warming properties is beneficial for pets who are chronically cold, fatigued, or have lower appetites. 

Check out some different types of foods and their energetic properties:


All About Balance

As with everything in life, finding balance in your pet's diet is important.  Rotating food types, brands, and proteins allows your pet to have a more complete and rounded diet.  Topping your pet's meal off with fresh foods is another way to balance your pet's diet, keep meal times exciting, and add moisture to their meal.  


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